Sunday, September 2, 2012

Journal 3 - Chapter 3: Developing Lessons with Technology

Journal Blog Post 3

Focus Question: What is "lesson development using technology"?

Lesson development involves  three interrelated elements: what to teach, how to teach, and how to know what students have learned.  By using a variety of technology such as  threaded discussions and online surveys in each element you have lesson development using tecgnology.

Tech Tool: Gliffy

Gliffy is free or you can pay to get more features. With this site you can create create fllor plans, flow charts and more. I played around on the site a little and it seems like a good tool for teachers. Check it out for yourself at

Summary & Connection

This chapter focuses on technology-based lesson planning and assessments. It talks about how teachers develop and evaluate learning experiences for their students. I am very interested in lesson planning. I feel like it is the backbone to teaching and I have so much I need to learn in order to do one. I am excited about our collaborative lesson plan assignment for this class :)

1 comment:

  1. Lesson planning is definitely enhanced with technology - it definitely is the foundation for day to day use and takes awhile to get the hang of creating successful ones, but you'll get plenty of practice! :)
